Dr. Rasmus Gjedssø BERTELSEN

Dr. Rasmus

Nansen Professor at the University of Akureyri/UIT-The Arctic University of Norway;
Professor of Northern Studies, Barents Chair in Politics at UiT-The Arctic University of Norway

Rasmus Gjedssø Bertelsen is Professor of Northern Studies and Barents Chair in Politics at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, as well as Nansen Professor of Arctic Studies at the University of Akureyri (2022-2023). He studied in Copenhagen, Reykjavik, Lausanne, Geneva, and Amsterdam and holds a PhD from the University of Cambridge (Sciences Po) and held Postdoc-positions at the Harvard Kennedy School on Soft Power of American and French universities in the Middle East, the United Nations University (Yokohama) on higher education in Middle East and East Asia, and at the Aalborg University on Sino-Danish knowledge relations. He was a H2020 InsSciDE workpackage leader on theory and strategy. He coordinates the Norwegian-Russian PhD-course “Society and Advanced Technology” in the Arctic (currently paused) and the Norway-EU Science Diplomacy Network.

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